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Lease Sale 250

Sale Summary

Bid Summary

Tracts Bid On: 148
Total Acres Bid On: 815,403.76
Sum of High Bids: $124,763,581
Sum of All Bids: $139,122,383
Total Number of Bids: 159
Total Number of Bidders: 33
Number Single-Bid Tracts: 138
Number Multi-Bid Tracts: 10
Average Dollar/Acre: $153


Tract Receiving Highest Bid

Highest Bid: $7,000,728
Block: MC 0697
Lease: G36256

Rank Bidder Interest Bonus
1 TOTAL E&P USA, INC. 100.00 7,000,728
2 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 100.00 4,240,226


Tracts Receiving Most Bids

Highest Number of Bids: 3
Block: MC 0509
Lease: G36250

Rank Bidder Interest Bonus
1 LLOG Exploration Offshore, L.L.C. 100.00 4,133,333
2 Hess Corporation 100.00 2,500,889
3 Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 100.00 1,402,624