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Frequently Asked Questions

What new data has been added to OWL 7?

All of the well completion test data has been added to OWL 7.0. Bottom hole pressure data has been added as well. 

How is the idle period determined for the new Idle Wells Report?

If a well is not currently active and has not been reported by the BOEMRE as P&A, the idle period in OWL 7 is the number of months from the most recent OWL production report date to the date of the last reported production for an individual well.

What is the purpose of the theme options in OWL 7?

Themes are designed as alternative ways to navigate OWL. For example, a user may want to review data for a particular unit, field or prospect. By selecting one of those options as a theme a user can choose to restrict the data presented by OWL 7 to only the selected entity.

What is the Target Best Fit option on OWL 7 maps?

Target Best Fit is automatically selected by the application when a user chooses to make a map of an object or group of objects that cover a large area. For instance, if a user wants a map that shows an entire pipeline gathering system the scale of the map will automatically adjust so that whole system is displayed in the OWL map window.

What is the Map Navigator?

The navigator is an expanded version of the map location option. Users can build a list of theme objects; blocks, leases, pipelines, platforms, prospects, fields, units, or wells and then make a map that displays all the selected objects. Once a map is made it can be saved by clicking on the disc icon on the top right of the map console and checking Save Map Location. 

What are the minimum system requirements for running OWL 7?

  • Windows 8 or later
  • 2GB RAM
  • 5GB free space
  • 1024x768 screen resolution

What are the recommended system requirements for running OWL 7?

  • Win 10
  • 4GB RAM
  • 1920x1080 screen resolution
  • Dual monitors